Letter of Recommendation
By: Greg Price
City University Seattle, Washington, USA
Contact: gmba@cityu.edu
To whom it may concern,
This is a letter of recommendation for Steve Vergara. Steve was a student in my Business Communications, MBA 505 class in the Spring of 2009.
This class had over 30 students, eighty percent of whom were foreign born and raised. Much of the activity in this class was performed in teams and the team in which Steve was a member functioned very well. Each member of Steve’s four person team was from a different country and the teamwork exhibited among the members was exceptional. This is a tribute to Steve’s ability to pull the team together as I believe the other team members looked to him for leadership and to ensure a clear understanding and implementation of the assignments.
Steve’s growth during this class was exceptional. As a Business Communications class, emphasis was on researching, writing, collaborating, and communicating business related topics and through PPT and class presentations, and as a I said, Steve’s personal growth was excellent.
Greg Price
Associate Faculty
City University of Seattle